Sunday, January 6, 2013

GIRLS the series

I think it's been established that Lena Dunham, the 26-year-old producer, creator, writer and star of the HBO series "Girls," is a genius. It's hard to comprehend how she could be so insightful at such a young age. But then again, she is writing about her own generation. About us. Let's face it we're a hard bunch to define. Only a true insider could put together our Facebook-obsessed, texting, skyping, IMing, over-educated, underemployed, sexting, able-to-elect-a-black-president-but-can't-figure-out-how-to-cook-our-own-meals, Redbull drinking, mistake making, Adderall-addicted, pretentious, insecure, egotistical, self-loathing, fun-loving, complicated selves into an order that makes some kind of sense. "Girls" isn't perfect, but the dialogue is witty and honest, the relationships are devoted and the sex scenes are hilariously, painfully awkward. I love the show. When I watch it I feel connected to every single viewer. I know we're all shaking our heads and thinking "That’s messed up, but I've been there." Below are my top 5 favorite things about the series.

1. Hannah
 Hannah's the lead character and she's all the worst words that begin with self. She's self-obsessed, self-absorbed, selfish, and self-important to name a few. She's a writer with a useless English degree too concentrated on all of the minute details of her life that aren't perfect to realize she's amazing. Plus she's really smart, but doesn't really know anything. How many of us can relate to that idea? (Maybe just those with an English degree ) The things that come out of her mouth are priceless. "You know what I'm gonna do from now on, I'm gonna ask people if they're gay before I have sex with them." And that's not anywhere near the most awkward thing. I can't decide if I hate to love her or love to hate her...And where is this girl's clothes?!

2. Relationships
I used to watch “Sex and the City” all of the time, you know, for the style tips (and because I'm a girl). My favorite thing about that show was how dedicated Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte were to their friendship. “Girls” is often compared to “SatC” and though the glamor is definitely not there, the relationships are just as close if not closer. The way Hannah and her best friend/enabler Marnie interact reflects the beautifully symbiotic relationship between girlfriends that many of us enjoy. They love each other, they hate each other, they adore each other, but are just fed up, but can’t find a way to let go. Women in their 20s take their friendships so seriously. I don't know if we're all trying to fashion our lives after Laguna Beach or what, but things can get really intense. Sometimes the love is so fierce we don't know whether we're gonna hug fiercely or scratch each other's eyes out. It's a crazy/beautiful thing that “Girls” depicts in a way that only a show named “Girls” can.

3. Jemima Kirke
Jemima Kirke plays Jessa Johnson on “Girls.” She's silly Shoshanna's too-cool-for-words British cousin and her irreverence about everything from showing up on time for her own abortion ("these things never start on time") or sex ("I don't go on dates because they're for Lesbians") or children ("you're such a little Nazi...) or herself ("what you just saw there is me showing that I cannot be smoted. I am might want to write that down") gives the show its wild spirit. You know she's not alright. Her friends know it. Even she knows it, at some level, but she's having such a great time that you almost believe she has it all figured out. Characters like this make me ask myself, why do I do things that aren't fun anyway?

4.The Sex Scenes
If it's on HBO and it's about a group of women, there's going to be a lot of sex. That is the law that Sex and the City forced into being 15 years ago and that's how it's going to be forever. But these are not your sexy, glistening sex scenes where the lovers embrace passionately while a saxophone plays in the background. They are awkward. Awkward. AWKWARD. And really shouldn't be filmed at all. During them there are things that shouldn't be said. Moves that shouldn't be made. They induce only morbid fascination and are in some cases just appalling. But that's what I love about them. Dunham just wants to show us Life, every ugly dark corner of it. It's funny though. There is a lot of nudity, but not that many sex scenes. Again, where are this woman's clothes?!

6. The Soundtrack
The soundtrack for this show is AMAZING. Indie artists make all of the best songs. Every track penetrates like a soul stirring dagger. Lines like "there are more wishes than stars," (“Wishes and Stars” by Harper Simon) "I haven’t changed a bit/I’m still not over it” (“Same Mistakes” by The Echo Friendly) and “I’m in the corner, watching you kiss her Ooooooh” (“Dancing On My Own” by Robyn) are just the best. When this soundtrack comes out, I’ll be first in line...on the internet



Honorable mention: The Episode that Shoshanna accidentally smoked crack. What happens when a Park Avenue Pollyanna meets a crack pipe? I'll give you a hint: there's a lot of running.


What I really love about this show is that it comes SO CLOSE to shattering the unwritten mandate that women have to be perfect. The rule that say that we can't show the dirty, sloppy, slutty, messy parts of ourselves or else we won't be loved. That's why Hannah's naked all of the time and Marnie's bitchy and Jessa's slutty and Shoshanna's annoying; it's because it's ok. Even if we're not perfect, we're still OK. That’s a powerful message even if it is wrapped up in all of this awkward inappropriateness. Actually it’s a better message because of it. Maybe next season we'll finally shatter that ceiling.

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